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EBS English 제니퍼의 Actual Speaking 14번째

Talking about Trends and Fads


type of person you are

trendsetter: 유행의 선도자 <-> trend follower

trend hunter, indifferent

what trend

have you followed, set, do you regret following, tend to follow, are you / were you obsessed about

Serious Trends

economic, social, business, religious, technology

Trivial Trends

fashion, design, gaming, dance, self-expression, music

when you follow trends

time you were most obsessed with trends, never, always, friends, celebrities

where you purchase

on-line, establishments, home-shopping

where you find out about trends

internet, magazines, friends, TV, department store, clothing shops, on the streets


do you follow / don't you follow trends, do you think you are a trendsetter

how much

time / money / effort / energy do you spend looking for what's IN

how you feel

about people that follow / don't follow trends

숙어 표현들

jump on that bandwagen = get on the bandwagon

to follow the trend/sth. popular in advance.
Many celebrities jump on the bandwagon so that the fashion critics of theirs may be positive.

come and go (자유롭게) 오가다, 드나들다.

They had a party next door - we heard people coming and going all night.

Maybe it's better to set trends than to follow them. 이 한문장으로 이번 내용 정리됨...^^

트랜드를 따라가기보다는 트랜드를 선도하는 것이 낫다.

the new black

something that is trendy, popular; the latest fashion.

keep up with the Joneses

(비격식, 흔히 못마땅함) (재산, 사회적 성취등에 있어서) 남에게 뒤지지 않으려 애쓰다.

"Keeping up with the Joneses" is an idiom in many parts of the English-speaking world referring to the comparison to one's neighbor as a benchmark for social class or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to "keep up with the Joneses" is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority.

fall (a[the]) victim to

...의 희생(물)이 되다; [매력 따위]에 사로잡히다.