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EBS (e)nglish 다시 듣기: English Go! Go! 제 41화(2015.04.27)

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English Go! Go! 제 41화 (2015.04.27)

- 수박 꼭지, 신선도나 당도와 관계 없다!!

The stalk end of a watermelon has nothing to do with its freshness and sweetness.

the stalk end of ~: ~의 꼭지 부분

have nothing ~~~: ~와 전혀 관계 없다. 구문

Let's make a fresh start.

I need some fresh air.

A breath of fresh air.


수박의 신선도를 파악할 때 관행적으로 살피던 ‘T-자’형 꼭지가 실상은 수박 신선도와는 전혀 관계가 없는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 오히려 비용 등 추가적인 손실만 발생한다는 것. 이에 농림축산식품부는 지난 15일 수박 유통 시 ‘T-자’형 꼭지 유통 관행을 바꾸기 위한 ‘수박 꼭지절단 유통활성화 방안’을 추진한다고 밝혔다.

한국농어민 신문 발췌




1. LOOK – Your watermelon should be firm, symmetrical and free of major bruises or scars. Some minor scratches are okay, however. After all, the purpose of that thick rind is to protect the delicious contents inside. Ripe watermelons should also be dark green in color.

2. LIFT – The ripest watermelons have the most water. And since watermelons are 92 percent water, your watermelon should be relatively heavy for its size.

3. TURN – Turn your watermelon over and check out its bottom, which should have a creamy yellow spot (also called “the ground spot”). This is where the watermelon sat on the ground while it soaked up the sun at the farm. If this spot is white or greenish, your watermelon may have been picked too soon and might not be as ripe as it should be.

- He doesn't take a side: 어느 편도 들지 않는다.

ref·er·ee: 심판

um·pire: (테니스, 야구) 심판

정재현의 뽀인뜨 토익

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